
Patricia (Sabine Bail) is a so romantic young girl !
She believes in true love and dreams of her boy friend
of a nigth one year later, Oulage (Oulage Abour), who, under the moon under
a tree, like an honeymoon but only for her, writes his name until climax
to her blank page.
With her family, for the New Year, she visits him to
his mother who would to be her step-mother.
«Happy New Year Oulache !»
«a little present»
«Mister Wurtz, you make this sort of shoes
now, a santiag ?»
«Yeah ! but be carefull, Wurtzi's santiag...»
But suddenly, when the dinner is just finished :
«You don't stay with us a little more ?
Therefore take Patricia with you»
«Sorry, I can't. Look ! I'm disguised in
Mandrake ! She needs...»
And his mother gives to her, beautifully, her wedding
Then, together disguised, in the road on the party...
He really wants to leave her in the lurch, and he finds
to forget her in a Karaoke club ! Poor Patricia ! So naive ! Alone ! Completly
alone, just with two barmaids.
She pockets this insult with "The démons
of midnight", a terrific song !
But he neglets his invitation-card.... and after lots
of peregrinations he arrives at last to his party, all his bad friends
are there making a foolish ambiance and Patricia says everything not to
say to his girl friend Brigitte (Estelle Skornik):
«Who are you ? Oulage's friend ?»
«not exactly... I am her fiancée
but it is a secret...»